The Charles E. Kubly Foundation Funds Mental Health Resources for NorthLakes SBBH Program

Thanks to an $8,000 contribution from the Charles E. Kubly Foundation, NorthLakes Community Clinic recently purchased a variety of resources instrumental in helping northern Wisconsin youth facing mental health issues. The items purchased through this grant include a wide range of resources focused on building resilience and addressing depression and mental health struggles amongst youth who receive services through NorthLakes’ School-Based Behavioral Health (SBBH) Program. The program serves approximately 300 children across 20 Wisconsin school districts each school year.  Items purchased with the support of the Charles E. Kubly Foundation include but are not limited to journal and goal planners for teens, workbooks, games, books, and more. These items draw upon kid-friendly language when building emotional identification, provide youth with the tools to communicate needs more assertively, help youth navigate emotions, and more.